Course Overview
Laravel has emerged as one of the most popular and versatile PHP frameworks, revolutionizing the way web applications are developed. With its elegant syntax, powerful features, and active community support, it is a favorite among developers worldwide. Our course is meticulously crafted to take you from the fundamentals of Laravel to advanced concepts, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the framework.
Why Learn From Growfore?
- Instructor with extensive skills and experience in Laravel
- Affordable training cost
- Job placement opportunities as an Web developer for excellent trainees
- Collaborative learning atmosphere
- Project-Based Learning
Course Module
- Introduction and Installation
- File structures and basic routing(route name & URL)
- Blade, Controller, form submit, and data validation
- Database, Migration, Seeder, Models, and relationships
- Helpers, sessions, Package installation 3rd party API, File Upload
- Pagination, Localization and Middleware, Artisan command
- Flash Messages
- CRUD with validation and proper error display
- Creating a demo project
- Demo of deployment in Cpanel and AWS EC2
- API and token for authorization
- Emails, attachments, and complex queries
- Queue and Jobs
- Authentication and Authorization
- Event Broadcasting and WebSockets
- Error Handling and Logging and Performance Optimization
- Laravel artisan command and event scheduler(Cron)
- Laravel artisan command and event scheduler(Cron)
- Service Providers and global functions
- CSS and javascript from template to Laravel
- Using Html template in Laravel using components
- CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, and Ajax
- Collectively sessions for question and problem solving with students